Sunday, October 30, 2011

For Flowerlady...

Flowerlady - This post is especially for you!  I thought I would take a walk around the yard today and snap a few photos so that you could enjoy the changing season along with us here in middle Tennessee.  


 There is beauty in everything.

Some of my photos didn't post correctly... so I uploaded them again today.  Hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. What a delightful little walk with you this morning. I haven't even had my coffee yet, it is still perking.

    Thank you for thinking of me, these photos were all great.

    I love the fall colors in the first one.

    What are those neat white puff balls in the second one.

    Love the bark of that tree and the way one fallen leaf is resting there.

    And, that last picture is a work of art.

    Thank you for thinking of me. I really appreciate it.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady


Thanks for taking a moment to comment. It's nice knowing that someone is out there on the other side of this computer screen. Now, enough computing...get out there and get your hands dirty! :)